  • 夜战大雾山

  • 主演:艾达·卢皮诺  柯纳·王尔德  理查德·威德马克  
  • 状态:[HD]
  • 导演:让·尼古拉斯科
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 简介:

      Jefty, owner of a roadhouse in a backwoods town, hires sultry, tough-talking torch singer Lily Stevens against the advice of his manager 青梅竹马是消防员樱花Pete Morgan. Jefty is smitten with Lily, who in turn exerts her charms on the more resistant Pete. When Pete finally falls for her and she turns down Jefty's marriage proposal, they must face Jefty's murderous jealousy and his twisted plots乡村爱情9下部下载 to "punish" the two.