  • 法外情真第1季

  • 主演:Simon  Baker  Dabney  Coleman  Wendy  Moniz  
  • 状态:[完结]
  • 导演:迈克尔·普雷斯曼
  • 类型:美剧
  • 简介:

    Nick Fallin 疯狂的麦克斯2电影is a hotshot lawyer working at his father's ultrasuccessful Pittsburgh law firm. Unfortunately, the high life has gotten the best of Nick. Arrested for drug use, he's sentenced to do 1,500李锋张雪齐绍斌小说名字 hours of community service, somehow to be squeezed into his 24/7 cutthroat world of mergers北斗神拳国语版全集, acquisitions and board meetings. Reluctantly, he's now The Guardian - a part-time chil...