    • 虎胆妙算第二季

    • 主演:Peter  Graves  
    • 状态:[完结]
    • 导演:Lee H. Katzin
    • 类型:美剧
    • 简介:

      Jim Phelps is the new leader ofsebobo the Impossible Missions Force, with no explanation, or even reference made, about the departure of predecessor Dan Briggs. First up for Phelps is a mission involving the drug trade. Cresnik and Walters have cornered 铁在烧电视剧the heroin market and sell it at a handsome profit to gangs around the world. Phelps dev迪丽热巴被杨幂送大佬ises an operation which will drive a wedge between the heroin dealers and their customers.